What do we mean by reimagined homes? It‘s a different way to build homes focused on these characteristics:

  • Affordability

  • Disaster resistant to wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, flooding and earthquakes

  • Minimal maintenance

  • Designed to last hundreds of years

  • Integration with the outdoors

How do we accomplish this? Here are the key components:

  • Design smaller homes without complicated architectural details

  • Eliminate all structural wood by constructing the walls and roof out of SCIP Panels ( concrete, wire mesh, and foam)

  • Eliminate the expensive process of spraying concrete on panels by using custom cast in place formwork and concrete trucks

  • Reduce the labor hours and skill by choosing building materials that are faster to install, require less skill, and easy to inspect

  • Train workers with good aptitude on these different construction techniques because typical construction workers will be unfamiliar with the construction method and materials

  • Eliminate the use of subcontractors. The design, building materials, and training program eliminates the need for specialized labor. Eliminating subcontractors simplifies the construction schedule, simplifies communication, and eliminates the additional costs associated with independent companies